
We invite you to join our dynamic community focused on the responsible management of mineral resources.

As a member, your organisation will gain exclusive access to a wealth of resources and opportunities to connect with entities dedicated to fostering a sustainable future. We warmly welcome public and not-for-profit organisations to contribute their unique insights to our collective mission.

Together, we aim to build a stronger, more resilient global community committed to innovation, promoting best practices, and ensuring the sustainable use of raw materials for future generations.

If you’re interested in becoming a key part of the INTRAW community, please contact us at

Annual membership fees depend on the size and turnover of organisations

Micro and small organisations with less than 49 persons employed or turnover ≤ €10 million or balance sheet total ≤ €10 million.


Medium-sized organisations with 50-249 persons employed or turnover ≤ €50 million or balance sheet total ≤ €43 million.


Large organisations with 250 or more persons employed or turnover > €50 million or balance sheet total > €43 million.


Are you interested in becoming a member?

Please contact us here: