Launch of the International Raw Materials Observatory
Save now the date for the launch event of the International Raw Materials Observatory and join us in a discussion to unveil future challenges of metals and minerals’ provision.
The International Raw Materials Observatory is a new independent, apolitical, international not-for profit organisation, set up to support international cooperation on mineral raw materials’ research & innovation, education & outreach, industry & trade and recycling, management & substitution of strategic raw materials.
The set of values of the International Raw Materials Observatory is built around the concept of honest broker, acting as an impartial international mediator specialised in the minerals value chain to support international cooperation. To ensure its independence, the Observatory combines an offer of exclusive services to members with an offer of services to the marketplace.
The launch of the Observatory will provide to the audience a glimpse on the services the Observatory will be offering to its members, namely foresight dialogues with key influencers and match-making services for organisations active along the minerals materials value chain.
7 November 2017 – Le Plaza Hotel
Launch of the International Raw Materials Observatory
The official launch of the International Raw Materials Observatory is organised in the framework of the European Commission’s Raw Materials Week, and will be integrated in a morning session of the EU-Advanced Mining Countries Conference, organised by DG Grow.
In addition, as one of the services the Observatory will provide in the future, an international match-making session between industry and research organisations active in the raw materials sector will be organised at the end of the conference (17:30-19:00).
You can see the full programme here.
8 November 2017 – Metropole Hotel
INTRAW – Joint Panels of Experts meeting
Following the Observatory’s official launch, the experts of INTRAW’s Panels of Experts will gather on Wednesday morning in order to provide their feedback and discuss further steps for the project and the Observatory.
This workshop is open to INTRAW experts and consortium members only.
8 November 2017 – Metropole Hotel
Roundtable: International collaboration on raw materials – catalyzing shared prosperity
In the afternoon (14:00-15:30) an open roundtable is scheduled with the aim of discussing the challenges of international collaboration on mineral raw materials. The roundtable is co-organised by the International Raw Materials Observatory and FORAM Project.
The roundtable will present the views of representatives of different groups of stakeholders from different world regions on the challenges associated to the exploitation and trade of raw materials obtained from primary and secondary sources (mining and recycling). The conversation will also address social and political contexts, technological trends, policy gaps and opportunities for international cooperation, thus contributing to advance dialogues and governance solutions. The audience will be invited to participate actively in the discussions.
You will find more information here.
9 November 2017 – Le Plaza Hotel
The EU Raw Materials Knowledge Base in support of EU Raw Materials policy
During this conference organised by DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission, INTRAW project coordinator Vitor Correia will provide a talk about the International Raw Materials Observatory.
You can see the full programme here.
Observatory launch & EU-RMKB
Le Plaza Hotel Brussels: Boulevard Adolphe Max 118 – 126 – 1000 Brussels
INTRAW – Joint Panels of Experts meeting and open roundtable
Hotel Metropole: Place de Brouckère 31 – 1000 Brussels