The MIN-GUIDE Annual Conference 2017, entitled “An Innovation-Friendly Policy Framework along the Mineral Production Value Chain”, will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 13-14 December 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels. This year’s MIN-GUIDE Annual Conference will provide insights into the cornerstones and future trends of an innovation-friendly policy framework for exploration and extraction, processing, waste management, and mine closure.
The Annual Conference will host up to 200 participants from all over Europe, in order to exchange knowledge and experiences on the Innovation-Policy Nexus – the relationship of good practice innovation cases and their underlying policy frameworks. In addition to high‐level keynote presentations and interactive sessions, the MIN‐GUIDE online Minerals Policy Guide will be presented. Moreover, the Annual Conference will provide a platform for networking and community building, allowing participants to make use of an informal meeting space to exchange with peers and stakeholders from related areas and communities.
In the interactive part, the Conference will comprise four parallel working group sessions, introducing participants to good practice cases along the mineral production value chain:
The “Innovation Island” format of these parallel sessions will allow participants to learn and exchange hands on about the innovation cases’ success criteria, supportive policy framework factors, and cross-value chain interactions.
The Conference will provide participants with: