International cooperation opportunities related to raw materials

Project objectives

The INTRAW project has been formulated with the objective of mapping best practices and boosting cooperation opportunities on raw materials with technologically advanced non-EU countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the United States) in response to similar global challenges.

The ultimate goal is to set up and launch the European Union’s International Observatory for Raw Materials as a definitive raw materials knowledge management infrastructure. As a permanent international body, the Observatory will aim after the project completion for the establishment and maintenance of strong long-term relationships with the world’s key players in raw materials technology and scientific developments. Its core activities will be to monitor continuously cooperation possibilities and to promote these through funding schemes and incentives between the EU and other technologically advanced countries.

INTRAW will play a key role in the alignment of the R&I activities among the EU countries, boosting synergies with international research and innovation programmes, and reinforcing the European role and scientific capabilities for the sustainable access and supply of raw materials for EU industry in line with the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials.

The services offered by the International Observatory for Raw Materials will include:

A comprehensive database on cooperation opportunities between the European Union/individual EU members and international cooperation countries.



Information on events relevant for international cooperation on raw materials.


Industry-financed grants and other research cooperation activities.


Communication activities towards the active development of R&I activities between the EU, individual EU member and technologically advanced countries.


In the long run INTRAW will:


Enhance the EU’s scientific capabilities in the raw materials area in the mid- and long-term.


Contribute to the transparency and harmonisation of mineral policies all over the EU.


Benefit the EU industry conditions for sustainable access and supply of raw materials (within the EU).


Promote evidence-based policies and appropriate, cost-effective management, planning and adaptation decisions by the public sector.


Enable a better alignment of the R&I activities among the EU research facilities and universities, boosting synergies with international research and innovation programmes.


Foster a stable and synergetic cooperation with technologically advanced countries.